Универсал Валве Лоцкоут БД-8237
Universal Valve Lockout BD-8237 can be locked to prevent the operation of isolated power source or equipment casually until the isolation finished and the Lockout/ Tagout removed. Meanwhile by using Lockout Tags to warn people the isolated power sources or equipment cannot be operated casually.
1. Valve lockout is made of plastic and stainless steel, with better impact resistance and excellent chemical resistance.
2. Suitable for handle width 46mm, maximum thickness 25mm, maximum width 46mm.
3. BD-8237 has an adjustable arm, can adjust the length of the arm according to customers’ requests.
4. Use with professional safety padlock and tag together.
5. Warning Red Color
Warning Red Color
модел | Опис |
БД-8237 | Може лоцк држала лопту вентила, лептир вентила, засуна |
БД-8238 | Може лоцк већина лептир вентила, засуна |

Universal Valve Lockout BD-8237:
1. High strength polypropylene.
2. High temperature resistance and impact resistance.
3. Чврст и издржљив.
4. Доступно вишеструке спецификације.
5. Спречите несреће и заштитите живот у највећој мери.
6. Ефикасно побољшати ефикасност производње и уштедети трошкове.
Valve type accident prevention device:
Функција вентила лоцкоут:
Вентил лоцкоут су класификовани као индустријски сигурносном лоцкоут, како би се обезбедило апсолутну затварање опреме са вентилом.
Користећи блокирање може да спречи опрему од отварања безбрижно да изазову повреде или смрт, а други за ефекат упозорења.
Класификација вентила лоцкоут:
Опште вентил блокадом укључују Балл Валве лоцкоут, лептир вентил блокирање, засун блокирање, Плуг Валве лоцкоут, универзални вентил блокирање и тако даље.
The selection of valve lockout:
1. According to the size of the valve, choose different types of valve safety locks
2. According to the different environment, the valve safety locks with different materials and the acid and alkali resistance are required.
3. Different types of valves, such as ball valve, butterfly valve, gate valve, rotary valve, etc., have different safety locks.
4. The size of the valve is different, the size of the selected safety lock is also different.
Производа | модел бр. | Опис |
кугла вентила Баттлесхип | БД-8211 | Спољашње димензије: дужина 208мм, ширина 77мм, Висина 130мм |
Single Arm Universal Ball Valve Lockout | БД-8212 | Suitable for handle width 19mm-46mm, suitable for handle maximum thickness 25mm. |
Double Arms Universal Ball Valve Lockout | БД-8213 | Suitable for handle width 19mm-46mm, suitable for handle maximum thickness 25mm. |
Ротација вентила Баттлесхип | БД-8214 | Suitable for handle up to 34mm * 49mm. |
New Design Resin Valve Lockout | БД-8215 | External dimensions: Length 90mm, Width 77mm, Height 78mm |
БД-8216 | External dimensions: Length 200mm, Width18mm, Height130mm | |
лептир вентила Баттлесхип | БД-8221 | Спољашње димензије: дужина 300мм, ширина 106мм, Висина 67мм |
Universal Butterfly Valve Lockout | БД-8222 | Suitable for handle width 19mm-46mm, suitable for handle maximum thickness 25mm. |
капија вентила Баттлесхип | БД-8231 | Suitable for the handle diameter: 25mm-63mm , Back hole diameter: 19mm ,Diameter of removable round hole reserved on the front: 19mm. |
БД-8232 | Suitable for the handle diameter: 63mm-127mm , Back hole diameter: 32mm ,Diameter of removable round hole reserved on the front: 32mm. | |
БД-8233 | Suitable for the handle diameter: 127mm-165mm , Back hole diameter: 53mm ,Diameter of removable round hole reserved on the front: 53mm. | |
БД-8234 | Suitable for the handle diameter: 165mm-254mm , Back hole diameter: 70mm ,Diameter of removable round hole reserved on the front: 70mm. | |
БД-8235 | Suitable for the handle diameter: 254mm-330mm , Back hole diameter: 70mm ,Diameter of removable round hole reserved on the front: 70mm. | |
Universal Gate Valve Lockout | БД-8236 | The standard cable is 1.5m in length and 3mm in diameter. Cable length can also be customized according to customer requirements |
Универзални вентил Баттлесхип | БД-8237 | Can lock most of the ball valve, butterfly valve, gate valve, the standard cable is 1.5m in length,cable length can also be customized according to customer requirements. |
БД-8238 | Can lock most of the butterfly valve, gate valve, the standard cable is 2m in length,cable length can also be customized according to customer requirements. | |
Adjustable Gate Valve Lockout | BD-8239 | The locking range can be adjusted, suitable for the locked handle diameter: 25mm-165mm(1”-6.5”) |
Пнеуматски Баттлесхип | BD-8241 | Suitable for pneumatic sourced male fittings in almost all factories. |
Pressurized Gas Cylinder Valve Lockout | BD-8251 | Lock the gas cylinder high pressure valve, prevent to open, suitable for valve with limiter. |