Тешких челичних Хасп Баттлесхип са 4 рупе БД-8315

Тешких челичних Хасп Баттлесхип са 4 рупе ДВД-8315 Феатуред Имаге
  • Тешких челичних Хасп Баттлесхип са 4 рупе БД-8315
  • Тешких челичних Хасп Баттлесхип са 4 рупе БД-8315
  • Тешких челичних Хасп Баттлесхип са 4 рупе БД-8315

  • Цена ФОБ:  Молимо контактирајте нас
  • Мин. Ордер Количина: 1 комад
  • Лука за испоруку: Тиањин, Кина
  • Услови плаћања: Т / Т, Вестерн Унион
  • Набавка Способност: 1000 комада дневно
  • Тежина: 0.132кг
  • Сизе: 48 * 14 * 106мм
  • proizvod Детаљ

    Издвајамо из производа

    Hasp lockout and more

    ознаке производа

    Heavy Steel Hasp Lockout with 4 holes BD-8315 can be locked to prevent the operation of isolated power source or equipment casually until the isolation finished and the Lockout/ Tagout removed. Meanwhile by using Lockout Tags to warn people the isolated power sources or equipment cannot be operated casually.


    1. Be made of heavy steel.

    2. Can accommodate 4padlocks.

    3. Install the hasp lockout on the energy cutoff switch so that the equipment cannot be operated during maintenance.

    4。 The equipment cannot be turned on unless the last person opens his/her padlock.


    модел Опис
    БД-8315 Спољашње димензије: дужина 103мм, ширина 45мм, Дебљина 69мм


    Heavy Steel Hasp Lockout with 4 holes

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  • Тешких челичних Хасп Баттлесхип са 4 рупе БД-8315


    Heavy Steel Hasp Lockout with 4 holes BD-8315:


    1. Multi person lock in for collaborative management.


    2. Buckle design, safe and convenient.


    3. Чврст и издржљив.


    4. Доступно вишеструке спецификације.


    5. Спречите несреће и заштитите живот у највећој мери.


    6. Ефикасно побољшати ефикасност производње и уштедети трошкове.


    Hasp type accident prevention device:

    The safety hasp lock can solve the problem that many people jointly manage the same machine. If someone is repairing the machine, the correct operation method is to tag out and lock out, so as to prevent someone from turning on the power supply for operation by mistake and causing harm to others.

    In daily work, if there is only one worker to repair the machine, only one lock is needed to ensure the safety. However, if there are many people repairing at the same time, the buckle type safety lock must be used for locking. When only one person completes the repair, the power supply will still be in the locked state if his safety padlock is removed from the buckle safety lock. The power supply can be started only when all the personnel remove the safety padlock. Therefore, the buckle type safety lock is a good solution to the problem of multiple maintenance and equipment management at the same time.

    According to the different use environment, hasp type safety locks are mainly divided into three categories:

    Steel hasp lock

    Aluminum hasp lock

    Insulated hasp lock

    In addition, the hasp lock can be customized.


    hasp lockout

    Производа модел бр. Опис
    Хасп Баттлесхип БД-8311 Keyhole Quantity:6 Material:Steel jaw , polypropylene injection handle Jaw Size:1″
    БД-8312 Keyhole Quantity:6 Material:Steel jaw , polypropylene injection handle Jaw Size:1.5″
    БД-8313 Keyhole Quantity:6 Material:ABS lock body and nylon shackle,insulation,antimagnetic, explosion proof,anticorrosive Shackle Size:6.9mm*4.2mm Jaw Size:78mm*18mm
    BD-8313A Keyhole Quantity:6 Material:ABS lock body and nylon shackle,insulation,antimagnetic, explosion proof,anticorrosive Shackle Size:5.8mm*4mm Jaw Size:78mm*18mm
    БД-8314 Keyhole Quantity:8 Material:Zinc alloy jaw , polypropylene injection handle Jaw Size:1.5″
    New Aluminum Hasp Lockout БД-8317 Spark-proof aluminum jaw, polypropylene injection handle.Jaw Size:1″
    БД-8318 Spark-proof aluminum jaw, polypropylene injection handle.Jaw Size:1.5″
    Heavy Steel Hasp Lockout with 4 holes БД-8315 External dimensions:Length 103mm, Width 43mm, Thickness 8mm
    New Design Hasp Lockout with 3 holes БД-8316 External dimensions:Length 111mm, Width 46mm, Thickness 10mm
    Aluminum Hasp Lock BD-8321 Spark-proof Aluminum.External dimensions:188mm*76mm*36mm
    Nylon Lockout Hasp BD-8341 Lock shackle diameter 3mm. 4 Keyhole Quantity
    BD-8342 Lock shackle diameter 6mm. 4 Keyhole Quantity
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