Istaag Eye dhaq BD-540A

  • FOB Price:  Fadlan nagala soo xiriir
  • Min. Order Tirada: 1 gabal
  • Port Shipping: Tianjin, Shiinaha
  • Shuruudaha Payment: T / T, Western Union
  • Supply Kartida: 100 gogo 'maalin kasta
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    Stand Eye Wash and More

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    Stand Eye Wash BD-540A is used to temporarily slow down the further harm of harmful substances to the body, face and eyes of the staff when toxic and harmful substances (such as chemical liquid, etc.) are splashed on the staff's body, face and eyes or the fire causes the staff's clothes to catch fire. Further treatment and treatment need to follow the doctor's guidance to avoid or reduce unnecessary accidents.


    Madax: Eye waalka dhaqo laga sameeyey 1/2 "waalka kubada 304 ahama

    Supply: 1/2" FNPT 

    Waste: 1 1/4" FNPT     

    Eye dhaq Flow 11.4L / Min

    Cadaadiska Haydarooliga: 0.2MPA-0.6MPA

    Biyaha Original: biyaha la cabo ama biyo sifeeyo

    Isticmaalka Deegaanka: Meelaha uu leeyahay firidhka walax halis ah, sida kiimikada, cabitaanno halista ah, adag, gaaska iyo deegaanka kale ee wasakhaysan halkaas oo laga yaabaa in laga sii ololiyaa.

    Fiiro Gaar ah: Haddii fiirsashada acid waa mid aad u sareeya, ku talinaynaa in la isticmaalo 316 ahama.

    Marka la isticmaalayo Heerkulka hoos 0 ℃, isticmaali dhaqmo il qabow ka hor taga.

    rakibi karaa qalab anti-kulayl si looga fogaado heerkulka warbaahinta waa mid aad u sareeya in biibiilaha ka dib

    qorax iyo sababta scalding.The user caadiga ah heerkulka anti-weyni waa 35 ℃.

    Heerka: ANSI Z358.1-2014

    BD-540A Stand Eye Wash BD-540A Stand Eye Wash BD-540A Stand Eye Wash BD-540A Stand Eye Wash BD-540A Stand Eye Wash BD-540A Stand Eye Wash BD-540A Stand Eye Wash BD-540A Stand Eye Wash BD-540A Stand Eye Wash BD-540A Stand Eye Wash BD-540A Stand Eye Wash

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  • Istaag Eye dhaq BD-540A


    Stand Eye Wash BD-540A:


    1. User-friendly design.


    2. Quality Assurance.


    3. Corrosion-resistant.


    4. Easy to use.


    5. Durable valve core.


    6. Mild flushing without harming eyes.

    Stand Eye Wash:

    Stand eye wash is one of eye washing devices. When the operator’s eyes or faces are accidentally splashed by toxic and harmful substances, they can quickly wash eyes and faces at the vertical eye washer within 10 seconds. The washing lasts for 15 minutes, effectively diluting the concentration of harmful substances, thus reducing the further harm. However, it is important to note that the stand eye washing device only increases the probability of success of medical treatment, and can not replace the professional treatment of the hospital. Later, it needs to be treated in the hospital.


    This type of eyewash only has eyewash system and no body shower system. Its structure is as follows:

    1. Eyewash nozzle 2. Eyewash Basin 3. Hand push board 4. Subject 5. Drainage tee 6. Bottom bracket

    Istaag Eye Wash





    Alaabta Qaabka Lambar sharaxaad
    Istaag Eye Wash BD-540A 304 stainless steel. ABS bowl
    BD-540B jidhka oo dhan laga sameeyey oo ABS tayo sare leh, iska caabin ah daxalka fiican, dhaqaale. Digniinta huruud ah, il-qabad.
    BD-540C 304 bir ah
    BD-540D Wabiga indhaha lagu dhaqo wuxuu ka samaysan yahay 1/2" 304 birta kubbadda ah
    BD-540E 304 stainless steel. ABS single nozzle
    BD-540F 304 stainless steel. ABS bowl and single nozzle
    BD-540N 304 stainless steel. ABS foot pedal
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