Winning one of the 2021 “Zhuanjingtexin” Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises in Tianjin China

In accordance with the “Administrative Measures for the Cultivation Project of “Zhuanjingtexin” Small and Medium-sized Enterprises in Tianjin (Jin Gongxin Regulation [2019] No. 4) and “The Municipal Bureau of Industry and Information Technology and the Municipal Finance Bureau on Printing and Distributing the 2021 Tianjin “Specialized, Specialized and New” “Notice on the Guidelines for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises Application (Re-evaluation)” (Jin Gongxin Small and Medium Enterprise Service [2021] No. 28) document requirements, after preliminary review and recommendation by the competent authorities of each district, third-party organization organization review, and public announcement, the 2021 “specialized expert” will be recognized. 436 “special new” small and medium-sized enterprises.

Marst safety Equipment (Tianjin) Co.,Ltd manufacturer of lockout and eye wash is in the list.



For more details

Maria Lee       

Marst Safety Equipment (Tianjin) Co.,Ltd

No. 36, Fagang South Road, Shuanggang Town, Jinnan District,

Tianjin, China

Tel: +86 22-28577599


Post time: Jul-13-2022