What is a safety lock

Safety locks are a kind of locks. It is to ensure that the equipment energy is absolutely shut down and the equipment is kept in a safe state. Locking can prevent accidental operation of the equipment, causing injury or death. Another purpose is to serve as a warning.

Many European and American countries have specific requirements for the use of safety locks. The OSHA Occupational Safety and Health Management RegulationsHazardous Capability Control Regulations clearly stipulates that employers must establish safety procedures and lock devices according to the procedures. It is installed in the energy isolation device to be listed or the equipment is stopped to prevent accidents, starting or the release of starting energy, so as to avoid manufacturing employees.



Marst Safety Equipment (Tianjin) Co., Ltd.

No.36, Fagang South Road, Shuanggang Town, Jinnan District,Tianjin,China

Tel: +86 022-28577599

Wechat/Mob:+86 17627811689


Post time: Sep-14-2023