Lockout hasp

What is lockout hasp? Hasp that is used with a padlock and has a slotted plate fitting over the staple to prevent its removal when locked.


And what is lockout hasp used for? Safety Lockout Hasp features a 1in (25mm) inside jaw diameter and can hold up to six padlocks. Ideal for lockout by multiple workers at each lockout point, the hasp keeps equipment inoperative while repairs or adjustments are made. Control cannot be turned on until last worker’s padlock is removed from hasp.


And when we should use the lockout hasp? The locking facility on lockout hasps is ideal in group isolation situations – where more than one person is working on a piece of equipment at any one time. The hasp allows multiple Personal Lockout Padlocks to be applied to one isolation point together with a Lockout Device.


We have many types lockout hasp, welcome to send inquiries to us.

Post time: May-07-2022