Ħajt immontati għajnejn Aħsel BD-508C

Ħajt immontati għajnejn Aħsel BD-508C Image Dehru
  • Ħajt immontati għajnejn Aħsel BD-508C
  • Ħajt immontati għajnejn Aħsel BD-508C
  • Ħajt immontati għajnejn Aħsel BD-508C
  • Ħajt immontati għajnejn Aħsel BD-508C

  • FOB Prezz:  Jekk jogħġbok ikkuntattjana
  • Min. Ordni Kwantità: 1 biċċa
  • Port tat-Tbaħħir:Tianjin, iċ-Ċina
  • Termini ta 'ħlas: T / T, Unjoni tal-Punent
  • Provvista Abilita: 100 biċċa kuljum
  • Piż: 3.1kg
  • Daqs: 350 * 300 * 340mm
  • Dettall tal-prodott

    Product Highlights

    Wall Mounted Eye Wash and More

    prodott Tags

    Wall Mounted Eye Wash BD-508C is used to temporarily slow down the further harm of harmful substances to the body, face and eyes of the staff when toxic and harmful substances (such as chemical liquid, etc.) are splashed on the staff's body, face and eyes or the fire causes the staff's clothes to catch fire. Further treatment and treatment need to follow the doctor's guidance to avoid or reduce unnecessary accidents.

    BD-508C Wall Mounted Eye Wash BD-508C Wall Mounted Eye Wash BD-508C Wall Mounted Eye Wash BD-508C Wall Mounted Eye Wash BD-508C Wall Mounted Eye Wash BD-508C Wall Mounted Eye Wash BD-508C Wall Mounted Eye Wash BD-508C Wall Mounted Eye Wash BD-508C Wall Mounted Eye Wash BD-508C Wall Mounted Eye Wash BD-508C Wall Mounted Eye Wash

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  • Ħajt immontati għajnejn Aħsel BD-508C


    Wall Mounted Eye Wash BD-508C:


    1. User-friendly design.


    2. Quality Assurance.


    3. Corrosion-resistant.


    4. Easy to use.


    5. Durable valve core.


    6. Mild flushing without harming eyes.

    Wall Mounted Eye Wash:

    Although the wall-mounted eye wash series only has the function of eye wash and no body shower function, it occupies a small space and can be directly installed on the wall of the use place, and the fixed water source can be connected. It is often used in many laboratories, research centers, epidemic prevention stations, etc., where the installation space is limited. When harmful substances are sprayed on the eyes, face, neck and other parts of the user, the switch of the wall-mounted eye wash device can be opened immediately for flushing, the rinsing time is not less than 15 minutes, and then the medical treatment is required immediately.

    Ħajt immontati għajnejn Aħsel




    Product Model No. description
    Ħajt immontati għajnejn Aħsel BD-508A Azzar li ma jissaddadx 304
    BD-508B 304 stainless steel, ABS bowl
    BD-508C 304 stainless steel, ABS single nozzle
    BD-508D 304 stainless steel, ABS bowl and single nozzle
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