Rack Katnazz-sikurezza BD-8761 ~ 8764

  • FOB Prezz:  Jekk jogħġbok ikkuntattjana
  • Min. Ordni Kwantità: 1 biċċa
  • Port tat-Tbaħħir:Tianjin, iċ-Ċina
  • Termini ta 'ħlas: T / T, Unjoni tal-Punent
  • Provvista Abilita: 1000 biċċa kuljum
  • BD-8761 Piż: 0.22kg
  • BD-8762 Piż: 0.43kg
  • BD-8763 Piż: 0.64kg
  • BD-8764 Piż: 0.83kg
  • Dettall tal-prodott

    Product Highlights

    Safety Lock Management Station

    prodott Tags

    Safety Padlock Rack BD-8761~8764 can be locked to prevent the operation of isolated power source or equipment casually until the isolation finished and the Lockout/ Tagout removed. Meanwhile by using Lockout Tags to warn people the isolated power sources or equipment cannot be operated casually.


    1. Be made of carbon steel with red spraying, safe and eye-catching.

    2. Used for hanging safety padlock (without padlock).

    3. Four specifications to choose.


    mudell deskrizzjoni
    BD-8761 Length 140mm, Width 40mm, Height 80mm, can hang 5pcs padlocks.
    BD-8762 Length 270mm, Width 40mm, Height 80mm, can hang 10pcs padlocks.
    BD-8763 Length 400mm, Width 40mm, Height 80mm, can hang 15pcs padlocks.
    BD-8764 Length 530mm, Width 40mm, Height 80mm, can hang 20pcs padlocks.


    Katnazz-sikurezza Rack

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  • Rack Katnazz-sikurezza BD-8761 ~ 8764


    Safety Padlock Rack BD-8761~8764:


    1. Better safety management of all equipment.


    2. Simple and beautiful, easy to use.


    3. Sturdy and durable.


    4. Multiple specificationsn available.


    5. Prevent accidents and protect life to the greatest extent.


    6. Effectively improve production efficiency and save costs.

    Welken safety lockout station is designed to solve the problem of safety lock storage.

    A variety of materials: Nylon Oxford cloth, steel plate, ABS engineering plastics.

    Various styles: imblokk Istazzjon, imblokk Kit, Katnazz-sikurezza Rack.

    Easy to carry, easy to use, novel style and durable

    Ensure the safety of the lock box, wear-resistant and durable, worry free

    Warning signs in English

    Better safety management of all equipment

    safety lock station

    Product Model No. description
    4 Padlock Station BD-8713 ABS Material. 301mm * 221mm.
    4 Padlock Station with Cover BD-8714 ABS Material. 307mm * 228mm * 65mm.
    10 Padlock Station BD-8723 ABS Material. 300mm * 480mm.
    10 Padlock Station with Cover BD-8724 ABS Material. 308mm * 487mm * 65mm.
    20 Padlock Station BD-8733 ABS Material. 550mm * 480mm
    20 Padlock Station with Cover BD-8734 ABS Material. 558mm * 490mm * 65mm
    36 Padlock Station BD-8742 ABS Material. 550mm * 480mm
    Combination Padlock Station BD-8752 ABS Material. 500mm * 467mm * 104mm
    Katnazz-sikurezza Rack BD-8761 Length 140mm, Width 40mm, Height 80mm, can hang 5pcs padlocks. Carbon Steel Material.
    BD-8762 Length 270mm, Width 40mm, Height 80mm, can hang 10pcs padlocks. Carbon Steel Material.
    BD-8763 Length 400mm, Width 40mm, Height 80mm, can hang 15pcs padlocks. Carbon Steel Material.
    BD-8764 Length 530mm, Width 40mm, Height 80mm, can hang 20pcs padlocks. Carbon Steel Material.
    Portable Safety Padlock BD-8765 Boundary Dimension: 131mm X 187mm. Lock holes diameter: 9mm.
    imblokk Kit BD-8771 ABS Material. 210mm * 60mm * 145mm.
    BD-8772 Oxford Cloth Material. 300mm * 220mm * 240mm.
    Combination Lockout Box BD-8773A Length 360 mm, Width 180 mm, Height 180 mm, net weight is 1.0 KG.
    BD-8773B Length 360 mm, Width 180 mm, Height 180 mm, net weight is 1.25 KG.
    BD-8774A Length 470 mm, Width 240 mm, Height 200 mm, net weight is 1.6 KG.
    BD-8774B Length 470 mm, Width 240 mm, Height 200 mm, net weight is 2.0 KG.
    Combination Draw-bar Lockout Box BD-8775 The first layer internal dimensions: Length 440mm, Width 220mm, Height 200mm.
    The second layer internal dimensions: Length 390mm, Width 210mm, Height 60mm.
    The third layer internal dimensions: Length 410mm, Width 200mm, Height 280mm.
    imblokk Kit BD-8811 Only one lock hole, suitable for single management.
    BD-8812 13 lock holes easy for multiple persons co-management. Only the last worker removes his/her padlock, can get the keys in the box.
    BD-8813 13 lock holes, One side is transparent and visual management, which is convenient for many people to manage together.
    Metal Lockout Station BD-8737 Length 360mm, Width 450mm, Height 155mm.
    BD-8738 Length 560mm, Width 460mm, Height 70mm.
    BD-8739 Length 580mm, Width 430mm, Height 90mm.
    Metal key management station BD-800(48) 48 Hooks Key Box.External Dimensions:380mm*300mm*50mm
    BD-800(100) Steel cable,Use with professional safety padlock and tag together.External dimensions:490mm×490mm.Steel cable length is 2000mm,diameter is 5mm.