Cable katnazz BD-8441

Cable katnazz BD-8441 Dehru Image
  • Cable katnazz BD-8441
  • Cable katnazz BD-8441
  • Cable katnazz BD-8441

  • FOB Prezz:  Jekk jogħġbok ikkuntattjana
  • Min. Ordni Kwantità: 1 biċċa
  • Port tat-Tbaħħir:Tianjin, iċ-Ċina
  • Termini ta 'ħlas: T / T, Unjoni tal-Punent
  • Provvista Abilita: 1000 biċċa kuljum
  • Piż: 0.08kg
  • Daqs: 128 * 42 * 24mm
  • Dettall tal-prodott

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    Key management system

    Product Highlights

    Cable lockout and more

    prodott Tags

    ● korp lock ABS u d-dijametru 3mm kejbil l-istainless steel.

    ● Tista lock apparat elettriku ġirien jew swiċċ ieħor fl-istess ħin, l-iffrankar l-kwantità katnazzi katnazz u l-ispazju, faċli biex jamministraw.

    ● Użu ma katnazz sigurtà professjonali u tag flimkien.

    mudell deskrizzjoni
    BD-8441 It-tul tal-kejbil huwa 150mm. (It-tul tal-kejbil jistgħu jiġu mfassla apposta bħala talbiet.)
    BD-8442 It-tul tal-kejbil huwa 240mm. (It-tul tal-kejbil jistgħu jiġu mfassla apposta bħala talbiet.)

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  • Preċedenti:
  • Li jmiss:

  • A variety of colors, colors, specifications, to meet the needs of different environments, effectively lock the equipments and escort the safety production of enterprises.


    Security padlocks have management functions. Due to different functions and permissions, the keys are divided into several types:

    1. No open key series: each security padlock has a unique key, which can not be opened between locks;

    2. Open key series: make sure that all the padlocks in the group can be opened mutually, and any one or several keys can open all padlocks in the group. Multiple groups can be specified, and groups cannot be opened to each other;

    3. Master key series: each safety padlock in the designated group controls the only key. The security padlock and the security padlock can not be mutually opened, but there is a master key that can open all the security padlocks in the group; multiple groups can be customized, and the master key between groups can not be opened mutually, but a higher master key can be designated to open all the padlocks in the group;

    4. Master key series: after multiple groups of open key series in the group, if it is necessary to assign a higher level supervisor to open all groups, the same master key can be added.

    safety lock Key management system

    Cable katnazz BD-8441


    Cable Padlock BD-8441:


    1. Factory direct sales.


    2. Eye-catching and safety.


    3. Sturdy and durable.


    4. Multiple specificationsn available.


    5. Prevent accidents and protect life to the greatest extent.


    6. Effectively improve production efficiency and save costs.

    Cable type accident prevention device:

    For locking all kinds of valves or multiple control points.

    Cable lock is suitable for locking larger or interlocking gate valve handwheel, and can also be applied to distribution boards and switch boxes. The steel cable lock shell is made of PC or ABS material, which has the advantages of impact resistance, wear resistance, heat resistance and low temperature resistance. It can be used in the environment from – 35 ° C to 85 ° C for a long time.


    cable lockout

    Product Model No. description
    cable lockout BD-8411 Stainless steel cable with PVC cover, 3mm diameter, 1.8m length. The length can be customized as requests.
    BD-8421 Stainless steel cable with insulation cover, 3mm diameter, 1.8m length. The length can be customized as requests.
    Universal Cable Lockout BD-8412 Stainless steel cable with PVC cover, 6mm diameter, 2m length. The length can be customized as requests.
    BD-8422 Stainless steel cable with insulation cover, 6mm diameter, 2m length. The length can be customized as requests.
    Grip-cinching Cable Lockout BD-8413 Include cable, the lock is open when the handle is in the bounce position.
    Universal Fish-shaped Insulation Cable Lockout BD-8431 Stainless steel cable with insulation cover, 5mm diameter, 2m length. The length can be customized as requests.
    High-pressure Ball Valve Lockout for Pipeline BD-8432 Suitable for high-pressure ball valve locking on dense, small distance pipe groups (Such as oil pipelines at hydraulic stations, gas pipelines at gas filling stations).
    Cable katnazz BD-8441 Keyed to differ.The cable length is 150mm.
    BD-8442 Keyed to differ.The cable length is 240mm.
    BD-8443 Keyed alike.The cable length is 150mm.
    BD-8444 Keyed alike.The cable length is 240mm.
    BD-8445 Master&alike.The cable length is 150mm.
    BD-8446 Master&alike.The cable length is 240mm.
    BD-8447 Master&differ.The cable length is 150mm.
    BD-8448 Master&differ.The cable length is 240mm.
    Miniature Cable Lockout BD-8449 Stainless steel cable with insulation cover, 5mm diameter, 2m length. The length can be customized as requests.
    Double Holes Cable Lockout BD-8451 Cable diameter 5mm, length 2m.
    Retractable Cable Lockout BD-8461 External dimensions: Length 134mm, Width 105mm, Thickness 37mm
    Manway Lockout BD-8471 Binding straps,Use with professional safety padlock and tag together.External dimensions:490mm×490mm.Binding strap length is 830mm.
    BD-8472 Steel cable,Use with professional safety padlock and tag together.External dimensions:490mm×490mm.Steel cable length is 2000mm,diameter is 5mm.
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