Cable msaħħna Economical għajnejn Aħsel & doċoċ BD-590

  • FOB Prezz:  Jekk jogħġbok ikkuntattjana
  • Min. Ordni Kwantità: 1 biċċa
  • Port tat-Tbaħħir:Tianjin, iċ-Ċina
  • Termini ta 'ħlas: T / T, Unjoni tal-Punent
  • Provvista Abilita: 100 biċċa kuljum
  • Piż: 34kg
  • Daqs: 1610 * 970 * 310mm
  • Dettall tal-prodott

    Product Highlights

    Freeze Resistant Eye Wash & Shower and More

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    Cable Heated Economical Eye Wash & Shower BD-590 is used to temporarily slow down the further harm of harmful substances to the body, face and eyes of the staff when toxic and harmful substances (such as chemical liquid, etc.) are splashed on the staff's body, face and eyes or the fire causes the staff's clothes to catch fire. Further treatment and treatment need to follow the doctor's guidance to avoid or reduce unnecessary accidents.


    Doċoċ Valve: 1 "ballun valv 304 istainless steel

    Għajn Aħsel Valve: 1/2 "ballun tat-tip T valv 304 istainless steel

    Kap: 304 istainless steel  

    Għajn Aħsel Żennuna: ABS Aħdar tissprejja bl 10 "304 istainless steel riċiklu ilma mormi skutella

    Supply: 1" MNPT  

    Għajn Aħsel Fluss ≥11.4 L / Min, doċċa flow≥75.7 L / Min

    Pressjoni idrawlika: 0.2MPA-0.6MPA

    Vultaġġ: 250V 220V ~

    Qawwa: 200W

    Ilma oriġinali: l-ilma tax-xorb jew ilma ffiltrat                                        

    Bl-użu Ambjent: Postijiet fejn għandha sustanza perikoluża titjir, bħall-kimiċi, likwidi perikolużi, solidu, gass u l-bqija.

    Nota speċjali: Dan aħsel għajn hija użata fl-ambjent fjammabbli jew splużjoni żona prova, skond il-ambjent biex jippersonalizzaw l-isplużjoni grad evidenza korrispondenti, dehra kemmxejn differenti in natura jipprevalu.

    Il ħasil għajn doċċa huwa jiffriżawx għall-beraħ, li jistgħu jintużaw bejn -35 ℃ ~ 45 ℃, qoxra huwa l-aċidu u alkalin PVC reżistenti, il-pajp ta 'ġewwa huwa 304 istainless steel xejn b'xejn mill-prestazzjoni għolja kejbil msaħħna, il-saff preservazzjoni tas-sħana huwa magħmul minn polyurethane, il-kulur huwa abjad u aħdar.

    Standard: ANSI Z358.1-2014

    Cable msaħħna Economical għajnejn Aħsel & doċoċ BD-590
    Cable msaħħna Economical għajnejn Aħsel & doċoċ BD-590
    Cable msaħħna Economical għajnejn Aħsel & doċoċ BD-590

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  • Cable msaħħna Economical għajnejn Aħsel & doċoċ BD-590


    Cable Heated Economical Eye Wash & Shower BD-590:


    1. User-friendly design.


    2. Quality Assurance.


    3. Corrosion-resistant.


    4. Easy to use.


    5. Durable valve core.


    6. Mild flushing without harming eyes.

    Freeze Resistant Eye Wash & Shower:

    In winter, the temperature dropped to below zero, many enterprises began to buy antifreeze eye washer. The antifreeze eye washer is mainly divided into two types: the empty anti freezing eye washer and the cable heated anti freezing eye washer. The emptying anti freezing eye washer is divided into automatic emptying eye washer and manual emptying eye washer. Customers can choose different types of antifreeze eye washer according to their needs, or consult our customer service personnel to provide you with the antifreeze eye washer suitable for you.

    The anti freezing eye washer is mainly made of 304 stainless steel. The anti freezing effect is achieved by emptying the accumulated water in the pipe of the eye washer. The cable heated eye washer. mainly uses the self limited temperature electric tracing belt to heat and keep the water source in the pipe of the eye washer from freezing. At the same time, a temperature controller is set to control the temperature of the water source, so as to avoid the harm of high temperature water source to users.

    Details of the usage of automatic emptying eye washer:

    1. When a person stands on the foot pedal, the three-way ball valve of the antifreeze eye washer is in the state of closing the emptying device and opening the water supply device.

    2. When a person leaves the pedal, the three-way ball valve is in the state of opening the emptying device and closing the water supply device.

    In this way, it is very convenient to use the automatic emptying eye washer. In addition, if a wounded person’s hand is injured and cannot operate the eye washer by hand, the pedal type automatic emptying eye washer will be very convenient and practical.

    Freeze Resistant Eye Wash & Shower

    Product Model No. description
    Explosion Proof with Cable Heated Freeze Resistant Eye Wash & Shower BD-580 Using Temperature:’-35℃~45℃ Supply:1″ MNPT Power: 200W
    BD-580A Using Temperature:’-35℃~45℃ Supply:1″ MNPT Power: 800WStainless steel with electrical heating water tank,the volume is 350L.
    BD-580B Using Temperature:’-35℃~45℃ Supply:1″ MNPT Power: 250WExplosion proof lighting, sound and light alarm, flow switch, and junction box.
    BD-580C Using Temperature:’-35℃~45℃ Supply:1″ MNPT Power: 250WExplosion proof sound and light alarm, flow switch, temperature control box and junction box.
    Cable Heated Economical Eye Wash & Shower BD-590 Using Temperature:-25℃~45℃ Supply:1″ MNPT Power: 200W
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