Emptying Anti-Freeze Combination Eye bişon & Shower BD-560F
Emptying Anti-Freeze Combination Eye Wash & Shower BD-560F is used to temporarily slow down the further harm of harmful substances to the body, face and eyes of the staff when toxic and harmful substances (such as chemical liquid, etc.) are splashed on the staff's body, face and eyes or the fire causes the staff's clothes to catch fire. Further treatment and treatment need to follow the doctor's guidance to avoid or reduce unnecessary accidents.
The cîh boriyeke sereke û valves bi yên high quality 304 razor kirin, hatiye pûçkirina function antî-beruvajî. The beşek sereke bi valve şûştinê çav û pûçkirina valve antî-beruvajî stendine. The line pîyê girêdide pişta çavê xwe bişo û demana sereke bedena pûçkirina rasterast. Dema bikaranîna, di destpêkê de, push pişta pûçkirina li lever valve (di vê demê de ji valve pûçkirina di nava dewletê de yên pûçkirina nêzîk û şebekeya avê re vekirî ye), û laşê xwarê, eniya xwe bişon çavê lever valve an vekişîne darê ji bo vekirina valve shower ji bo bikaranîna normal. Piştî bikaranîna, di destpêkê de, reset paş pûçkirina li lever valve (di vê demê de ji valve pûçkirina di nava dewletê de yên nêzîkî avê û pûçkirina vekirî ye), benda ji bo qet nebe 30 seconds (li benda avê de şuştin, çavê pûçkirina). Û paşê valve şûştinê eye an valve shower bigire.
Data teknîkî:
Serokê: 10 "polayê zengarnegir
Eye bişon nozzle: ABS Green dipijiqînin bi 10 "wêran razor piyana recycle avê
Valve Shower: 1 "304 razor valve ball
Eye bişon Valve: 1/2 "304 razor valve ball
Supply: 1/2" FNPT
Waste: 1 1/4" FNPT
Eye bişon Flow ≥11.4 L / Min, shower flow≥75.7 L / Min
Pressure Hydraulic: 0.2MPA-0.6MPA
Water Original: Ava vexwarinê an jî av tê fîltrekirin
Bikaranîna Environment: Places ku heye Fashion hilikeka zerardar, yên wek kîmyewîyan, şilavê û zerardar, solid, gaz û hwd.
Têbînî Special: Eger giranîya acid jî bilind e, pêşniyar ji bo bikaranîna 316 razor.
Dema bikaranîna agirê ambient jêr 0 ℃, bi kar tînin antifreeze şûştinê eye.
The şûştinê çav & shower ji high quality 304 razor çêkirin.
Can device antî-gulilî dest saz bike ku rê li germahîya medya di boriyeke piştî mexdurên roj û doza ên gulilî user jî bilind e. The standard agirê antî-gulilî 35 ℃ e.
Standard: ANSI Z358.1-2014

Emptying Anti-Freeze Combination Eye Wash & Shower BD-560F:
1. User-friendly design.
2. Quality Assurance.
3. Corrosion-resistant.
4. Easy to use.
5. Durable valve core.
6. Mild flushing without harming eyes.
Combination Eye Wash & Shower:
The combinationeye wash & shower includes an eye washer system and a body washing system. Therefore, the combinationeye wash & shower has the comprehensive functions of washing eyes, face, body, clothes, etc.
It should be noted that although the combinationeye wash & shower has the function of flushing the body, it can not be used for bathing everyday. Because the combinationeye wash & shower is a kind of personal safety protection device, it can effectively dilute the concentration of harmful substances in the injured part when the eyes, face and body are polluted by toxic and harmful substances in case of emergency. Therefore, the normal use of the combinationeye wash & shower needs to be guaranteed, and its service life also needs to be guaranteed, so it can not be used for daily bathing, In order to prevent the use of the situation can not be used.
Product | Model No. | description |
Higher Stainless Steel Combination Eye Wash & Shower | BD-530 | The eye wash & shower is made of high quality 304 stainless steel, the inner wall is polished and it will not keep the water impurities, especially for the laboratory, medical and food industries. |
Foot Control Stainless Steel Combination Eye Wash & Shower (with Platform) | BD-550 | High quality 304 stainless steel. 304 stainless steel ball valve |
Combination Eye Wash & Shower | BD-550A | 304 stainless steel. ABS foot pedal |
BD-550B | 304 stainless steel. ABS foot pedal. ABS single nozzle | |
BD-550C | 304 stainless steel. ABS foot pedal. ABS head and bowl | |
BD-550D | 304 stainless steel. ABS foot pedal. ABS head and bowl and single nozzle | |
BD-560 | 304 polayê zengarnegir | |
BD-560G | 304 stainless steel. ABS single nozzle | |
BD-560H | 304 stainless steel. ABS head and bowl | |
BD-560K | 304 stainless steel. ABS bowl cover | |
BD-560N | 304 stainless steel. ABS head and bowl and single nozzle | |
Economical Stainless Steel Combination Eye Wash & Shower | BD-560A | High quality 201 stainless steel. SS 304 ball valve |
Anti-freeze and Automatic Emptying Stainless Steel Combination Eye Wash & Shower | BD-560D | 304 stainless steel. After using, the water supply is stopped after the foot leaves the pedal, at the same time, the water in the pipe is drained automatically, and play the anti freeze function in winter outdoor. |
Stainless Steel Combination Eye Wash & Shower | BD-560E | High quality 304 stainless steel. 304 stainless steel ball valve |
Emptying Anti-Freeze Combination Eye Wash & Shower | BD-560F | The main pipe fittings and valves are made of high-quality 304 stainless steel, with the function of empting and anti-freezing. |
Buried Anti-freeze Stainless Steel Combination Eye Wash & Shower | BD-560W | Main pipes, valves, foot pedal and box are all made of 304 stainless steel |