Tej yam me me Cable Lockout BD-8449

  • FOB Nqe:  Thov hu rau peb
  • Min. Kev txiav txim Quantity: 1 daim
  • Chaw nres nkoj shipping: Tianjin, Suav
  • Ntsiab lus uas them: T / T, Western Union
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    Cov khoom Tseem Ceeb

    Cable lockout thiab ntau dua

    khoom cim npe

    Miniature Cable Lockout BD-8449  can be locked to prevent the operation of isolated power source or equipment casually until the isolation finished and the Lockout/ Tagout removed. Meanwhile by using Lockout Tags to warn people the isolated power sources or equipment cannot be operated casually.

    Cov ntsiab lus:


    1. Lock body is made of impact resistant engineering plastic and reinforced nylon.
    2. Used 300mm long stainless steel cable, the outer layer of cable is made from anti-UV PVC(diameter 1.5mm).
    3. Black part: push up to open the cable, push down to lock the cable.
    4. Red part: print warning “LOCKOUT”.
    5. After locking, the cable can only be tightened.
    6. Can customize label in Chinese or in English.
    7. 6mm and 8mm lock holes can be chose, suitable for different types of shackles.

    Miniature Cable Lockout BD-8449
    Miniature Cable Lockout BD-8449

  • Yav dhau los:
  • Tom ntej:

  • Miniature Cable Lockout BD-8449  is suitable for all kinds of valves or multiple control points, which can effectively lock the equipments and escort the safety production of enterprises.


    Miniature Cable Lockout BD-8449


    Miniature Cable Lockout BD-8449 :


    1. Ntau tus neeg kaw rau hauv kev tswj hwm kev sib koom tes.


    2. Wide range of uses, safe and convenient.


    3. Nruas thiab ruaj khov.


    4. Ntau yam specificationsn muaj.


    5. Tiv thaiv kom tsis txhob muaj xwm txheej thiab tiv thaiv lub neej kom zoo tshaj plaws.


    6. Ua tau zoo txhim kho kev tsim khoom thiab txuag nqi.

    Cable yam tiv thaiv kev huam yuaj ntaus ntawv:

    Rau txhav tas txhua yam ntawm li qub lossis ntau lub ntsiab lus tswj.

    Cable ntsuas phoo yog qhov tsim nyog rau txhav qhov loj lossis nruab nrab rooj vag thaiv qhov rooj xuas tes, thiab kuj tuaj yeem thov rau cov laug cam thiab hloov lub thawv. Lub steel cable xauv plhaub yog ua los ntawm PC lossis ABS cov khoom, uas muaj qhov zoo ntawm qhov cuam tshuam, hnav tsis kam, kub tsis kam thiab kub tsis kam tiv taus. Nws tuaj yeem siv nyob rau hauv qhov chaw ib puag ncig ntawm - 35 ° C txog 85 ° C rau lub sijhawm ntev.


    cable ntsuas phoo

    Khoom Qauv No. piav qhia
    Cable Lockout BD-8411 Stainless hlau cable nrog PVC npog, 3mm txoj kab uas hla, 1.8m ntev. Qhov ntev tuaj yeem kho tau raws li kev thov.
    BD-8421 Stainless hlau cable nrog rwb thaiv tsev npog, 3mm txoj kab uas hla, 1.8m ntev. Qhov ntev tuaj yeem kho tau raws li kev thov.
    Universal Cable Lockout BD-8412 Stainless hlau cable nrog PVC npog, 6mm txoj kab uas hla, 2m ntev. Qhov ntev tuaj yeem kho tau raws li kev thov.
    BD-8422 Stainless hlau cable nrog rwb thaiv tsev npog, 6mm txoj kab uas hla, 2m ntev. Qhov ntev tuaj yeem kho tau raws li kev thov.
    Grip-cinching Cable Lockout BD-8413 Xws li cable, lub ntsuas phoo yog qhib thaum lub leeg nyob hauv qhov chaw thaws.
    Universal Ntses-Rwb Thaiv Tsev Cable Cableout BD-8431 Stainless hlau cable nrog rwb thaiv tsev npog, 5mm txoj kab uas hla, 2m ntev. Qhov ntev tuaj yeem kho tau raws li kev thov.
    Kev Kub Siab Pob Tawb Lub Pob Xauv Xauv Rau Kev Xa Hluav Taws Xob BD-8432 Haum rau kev ua haujlwm siab lub pob valve txhawm rau txhawm rau ntom ntom, txuas me me ntawm cov kav dej (Xws li cov roj txuas ntawm qhov chaw nres tsheb hydraulic, roj xa hluav taws xob ntawm cov chaw nres tsheb roj).
    Kev Ntshaw Cable BD-8441 Qhov tseem ceeb rau txawv.Qhov ntev cable yog 150 hli.
    BD-8442 Qhov tseem ceeb rau txawv.Qhov ntev cable yog 240 hli.
    BD-8443 Keyed zoo ib yam.Qhov ntev cable yog 150 hli.
    BD-8444 Keyed zoo ib yam.Qhov ntev cable yog 240 hli.
    BD-8445 Master & zoo ib yam.Qhov ntev cable yog 150 hli.
    BD-8446 Master & zoo ib yam.Qhov ntev cable yog 240 hli.
    BD-8447 Master & txawv.Qhov cable ntev yog 150 hli.
    BD-8448 Master & txawv.Qhov cable ntev li 240mm.
    Tej Yam Me Me Cable Lockout BD-8449 Stainless hlau cable nrog rwb thaiv tsev npog, 5mm txoj kab uas hla, 2m ntev. Qhov ntev tuaj yeem kho tau raws li kev thov.
    Ob Chav Hlau Cable Lockout BD-8451 Cable diameter 5mm, length 2m.
    Retractable Cable Lockout BD-8461 Sab nraud qhov ntev: Ntev 134mm, Dav 105mm, Thickness 37mm
    Manway Lockout BD-8471 Cov hlua khi txoj hlua, Siv nrog cov kws ua haujlwm kev nyab xeeb padlock thiab tag ua ke.Txoj qhov ntev: 490mm × 490mm.Buaj pluaj ntev yog 830 hli.
    BD-8472 Cov hlua hlau, Siv nrog kev nyab xeeb padlock thiab tag ua ke.Txoj qhov ntev: 490mm × 490mm.Steel cable ntev yog 2000mm, taub yog 5mm.
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