Seas Eye Wash BD-540A

  • FOB Praghas:  Téigh i dteagmháil linn
  • Min. Ordú Cainníocht: 1 píosa
  • Port Loingseoireachta: Tianjin, an tSín
  • Téarmaí Íocaíocht: T / T, Aontas Iarthar
  • Soláthar Cumas: 100 píosaí in aghaidh an lae
  • Sonraigh Táirge

    Buaicphointí Táirgí

    Stand Eye Wash and More

    Táirge Clibeanna

    Stand Eye Wash BD-540A is used to temporarily slow down the further harm of harmful substances to the body, face and eyes of the staff when toxic and harmful substances (such as chemical liquid, etc.) are splashed on the staff's body, face and eyes or the fire causes the staff's clothes to catch fire. Further treatment and treatment need to follow the doctor's guidance to avoid or reduce unnecessary accidents.


    Comhla: comhla nigh súl déanta de 1/2 "comhla liathróid 304 cruach dhosmálta

    Supply: 1/2" FNPT 

    Waste: 1 1/4" FNPT     

    Eye Nigh Shreabhadh 11.4L / Min

    Hiodrálacha Brú: 0.2MPA-0.6MPA

    Uisce Bunaidh: uisce óil nó uisce scagtha

    Comhshaol Ag baint úsáide as: Áiteanna i gcás ina bhfuil substaint ghuaiseach splashing, cosúil le ceimiceáin, leachtanna guaiseach, soladach, gás agus timpeallacht éillithe eile ina a dhó.

    Nóta speisialta: Má tá an tiúchan aigéad ró-ard, a mholadh a úsáid 316 cruach dhosmálta.

    Nuair a bheidh ag baint úsáide as an teocht chomhthimpeallach faoi bhun 0 ℃, a úsáid nigh súl antifreeze.

    An féidir a shuiteáil gléas frith-scalding a sheachaint teocht meáin ró-ard sa phíopa i ndiaidh

    Is é an ghrian ag nochtadh agus faoi deara úsáideora scalding.The caighdeánach teocht frith-scalding 35 ℃.

    Caighdeán: ANSI Z358.1-2014

    BD-540A Stand Eye Wash BD-540A Stand Eye Wash BD-540A Stand Eye Wash BD-540A Stand Eye Wash BD-540A Stand Eye Wash BD-540A Stand Eye Wash BD-540A Stand Eye Wash BD-540A Stand Eye Wash BD-540A Stand Eye Wash BD-540A Stand Eye Wash BD-540A Stand Eye Wash

  • Roimhe Seo:
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  • Seas Eye Wash BD-540A


    Stand Eye Wash BD-540A:


    1. User-friendly design.


    2. Quality Assurance.


    3. Corrosion-resistant.


    4. Easy to use.


    5. Durable valve core.


    6. Mild flushing without harming eyes.

    Stand Eye Wash:

    Stand eye wash is one of eye washing devices. When the operator’s eyes or faces are accidentally splashed by toxic and harmful substances, they can quickly wash eyes and faces at the vertical eye washer within 10 seconds. The washing lasts for 15 minutes, effectively diluting the concentration of harmful substances, thus reducing the further harm. However, it is important to note that the stand eye washing device only increases the probability of success of medical treatment, and can not replace the professional treatment of the hospital. Later, it needs to be treated in the hospital.


    This type of eyewash only has eyewash system and no body shower system. Its structure is as follows:

    1. Eyewash nozzle 2. Eyewash Basin 3. Hand push board 4. Subject 5. Drainage tee 6. Bottom bracket

    Seas Eye Nigh





    Táirge Múnla Uimh. tuairisc
    Seas Eye Nigh BD-540A 304 stainless steel. ABS bowl
    BD-540B Tá an comhlacht ar fad déanta as ABS ardchaighdeán, friotaíocht creimeadh níos fearr, eacnamaíoch. Rabhadh buí, eye-teacht.
    BD-540C 304 cruach dhosmálta
    BD-540D Tá comhla níocháin súl déanta as comhla liathróid cruach dhosmálta 1/2” 304
    BD-540E 304 stainless steel. ABS single nozzle
    BD-540F 304 stainless steel. ABS bowl and single nozzle
    BD-540N 304 stainless steel. ABS foot pedal
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