Stand Eye Wash BD-540B

  • FOB Prezioa:  Mesedez, jarri harremanetan gurekin
  • Min. Agindua Kopurua: 1 pieza
  • Bidalketa portua:Tianjin, Txina
  • Ordainketa baldintzak: T / T, Western Union
  • Hornidura gaitasuna: 100 pieza eguneko
  • Pisua: 2.7kg
  • Tamaina: 350 * 300 * 340mm
  • Produktuen xehetasuna

    Product Highlights

    ABS Eye Wash and More

    Produktuen Tags

    Stand Eye Wash BD-540B is used to temporarily slow down the further harm of harmful substances to the body, face and eyes of the staff when toxic and harmful substances (such as chemical liquid, etc.) are splashed on the staff's body, face and eyes or the fire causes the staff's clothes to catch fire. Further treatment and treatment need to follow the doctor's guidance to avoid or reduce unnecessary accidents.


    Valve: Eye wash valve is made of 1/2” corrosion resistant brass spool

    Supply: 1/2" FNPT

    Waste: 1 1/4" FNPT

    Eye Wash Flow:11.4L / Min

    Hydraulic Pressure: 0,2MPA-0,4MPA

    Original Water: Edateko ura edo iragazitako ura

    Using Environment: Places where has hazardous substance splashing, such as chemicals, hazardous liquids, solid, gas and other contaminated environment where may be burning.

    Special Note: The best using ambient temperature is above 10℃.

    gorputz osoa da, kalitate handiko ABS, korrosioarekiko erresistentzia hobea, ekonomikoa egina. horia Abisua, deigarriak.

    anti-egosten jarri gailua instalatu ahal media tenperatura saihesteko gehiegi ondoren kanalizazio handia

    eguzkitan eta kausa erabiltzaile scalding.The estandarra aurkako egosten jarri tenperatura 35 ℃ da.

    Standard: ANSI Z358.1-2014

    BD-540B ABS Stand Eye Wash BD-540B ABS Stand Eye Wash BD-540B ABS Stand Eye Wash BD-540B ABS Stand Eye Wash BD-540B ABS Stand Eye Wash BD-540B ABS Stand Eye Wash BD-540B ABS Stand Eye Wash BD-540B ABS Stand Eye Wash BD-540B ABS Stand Eye Wash BD-540B ABS Stand Eye Wash BD-540B ABS Stand Eye Wash

  • Aurreko:
  • Hurrengoa:

  • Stand Eye Wash BD-540B


    Stand Eye Wash BD-540B:


    1. User-friendly design.


    2. Quality Assurance.


    3. Corrosion-resistant.


    4. Easy to use.


    5. Durable valve core.


    6. Mild flushing without harming eyes.

    ABS Eye Wash:

    ABS is a graft copolymer of acrylonitrile, 1,3-butadiene and styrene. The advantages of this material are as follows:

    1. It is hard and has strong impact resistance;
    2.Scratch resistant, Dimensional stability;
    3. At the same time, it has the functions of moisture-proof and corrosion resistance;
    4. Very environmental protection, non-toxic and tasteless;
    5. It can be insulated from electricity, very safe.

    ABS Begi Garbiketa


    Product Model No. description
    ABS Begi Garbiketa BD-540B The whole body is made of high quality ABS, better corrosion resistance, economical. Warning yellow, eye-catching. The best using ambient temperature is above 10℃.
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