Begi garbiketa eramangarria BD-600B

  • FOB Prezioa:  Mesedez, jarri harremanetan gurekin
  • Min. Agindua Kopurua: 1 pieza
  • Bidalketa portua:Tianjin, Txina
  • Ordainketa baldintzak: T / T, Western Union
  • Hornidura gaitasuna: 100 pieza eguneko
  • Pisua: 28kg
  • Tamaina: 910 * 510 * 1035mm
  • Produktuen xehetasuna

    Product Highlights

    Portable Eye Wash and More

    Produktuen Tags

    Portable Eye Wash BD-600B is used to temporarily slow down the further harm of harmful substances to the body, face and eyes of the staff when toxic and harmful substances (such as chemical liquid, etc.) are splashed on the staff's body, face and eyes or the fire causes the staff's clothes to catch fire. Further treatment and treatment need to follow the doctor's guidance to avoid or reduce unnecessary accidents.


    Kanpo Neurriak: Ur depositua W 540mmm * D 300mm * H 650mm

    Auto Neurriak: Altuera 1000mm, zabalera 400mm, lodiera 580mm, bi gurpil batekin, auto gorputza 201 altzairu herdoilgaitzezko

    Ura Biltegiratzea: 60L

    Iraultzen Time ≥15 minutu etengabe

    Original Ura: uraren edo gatz Edateko, eta arreta kalitatea bermea epea                                       

    Ingurumen erabiliz: Lekuak non ur-hornidura ez du.

    begi garbiketa eramangarri hau polietilenoa, berdea seguru, leku batean erabiltzen ari ur-hornidura gabe, erabili edateko edo iragazi ura edo gatz egokiak eginda. Eta arreta garbiketa erregularra, garbiketa, edateko ura edo gatz batekin betetzen ondoren.

    Standard: ANSI Z358.1-2014

    Begi garbiketa eramangarria BD-600B
    Begi garbiketa eramangarria BD-600B
    Begi garbiketa eramangarria BD-600B

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  • Begi garbiketa eramangarria BD-600B


    Portable Eye Wash BD-600B:


    1. User-friendly design.


    2. Quality Assurance.


    3. Corrosion-resistant.


    4. Easy to use.


    5. Durable valve core.


    6. Mild flushing without harming eyes.

    Portable Eye Wash:

    Portable eye washer is a kind of portable eye wash device, which is suitable for the place without water source. Eye washing device is usually used for workers who are accidentally splashed by toxic and harmful liquid or substance on their eyes, face, body and other parts for emergency flushing to effectively dilute the concentration of harmful substances, so as to prevent further injury. It is one of the main eye protection equipment for enterprises at present.

    Portable eye washer is a supplement to the fixed water eye washer, which is mostly used in chemical industry, petroleum industry, metallurgy industry, energy industry, electric power industry and photoelectric industry. At present, our portable eye washer not only has eye washing system, but also body washing system, which enriches the use function.

    The advantages of the portable eye washer are that it is mobile, easy to install and easy to carry. It can be used in places without fixed water source. But portable eye wash also has its drawbacks. The output of portable eye washer is limited, which can only be used by a few people at a time. Unlike the compound eye washer with fixed water source, it can continuously flow water for many people. After use, water should be continued to ensure that other people can use it.


    Begi garbiketa eramangarria





    Product Model No. description
    Begi garbiketa eramangarria BD-570 Neurriak: D 325 mm XH 950 mm
    BD-570A Dimensions:D 325mm X H 2000mm. Shower Valve:3/4” 304 stainless steel ball valve
    BD-600 Water tank W 400mm * D 300mm * H 600mm, the tank is made of 304 stainless steelHeight 1000mm, width 400mm, Thickness 640mm, With two wheels, cart body is made of 201 stainless steel
    BD-600A Water tank W 540mmm * D 300mm * H 650mm
    BD-600B Water tank W 540mmm X D 300mm X H 650mm, H 1000mm X W 400mm X T 580mm,with 2 omni-directional wheels
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